28 Times People Miraculously Avoided The Biggest Disasters

It’s that moment when your heart skips a beat—realizing you’ve just skirted a massive catastrophe by a hair’s breadth.
At some point, each of us has teetered on the brink: whether it’s nearly stepping on a nail or barely escaping an overhead car crash.
Scroll on to witness the imagery below, capturing the brinkmanship with calamity.
Impeccable Reflexes

Protective Goggles Save Man’s Eye from Shattered Grinding Disc

That Was a Close One…

A Bite Rejected: This Swimmer Wasn’t Quite the Tasty Morsel the Shark Hoped For. Scientists Suggest That Sharks Determine the Worth of a Bite, Judging by the Balance of Fat, Bone, and Muscle

Gigantic Rock Narrowly Misses Obliterating Italian Homestead

That Was Seriously Close

A Near-Miss for This Caltrans Truck Driver Following a Mudslide Just North of Town. To The Left, Nothing But The Pacific Ocean Awaits

My Brush with Death Today, Captured in a Perfectly Timed Photo of My Father’s Rescue

Whew, That Was Far Too Close!

Goodness Gracious!

This Vehicle Owner Must Be Feeling Fortunate

Narrow Escape

The Near Miss of a Phone and Potential Disaster

Dodging the Bullet

Narrow Escape from a Tumbling Car

A Close Call with a Nail Gun

A Watchful Eye Saves More Than Just Oral Health

Fortunate Automobile

Fortune Smiles Upon Close Observation

Flirting with Fate

A Brush with Disaster Averted

A Far Cry from Calamity: The Empty Parking Space Story

Tricky Terrain Nearly Takes a Toll

Counting My Blessings This Monday

Sharp Surprise in the Frozen Berry Aisle

Barely Scraping By!

Make a Run for It: Narrow Escapes!