31-year-old invites 89-year-old neighbor whose health deteriorated to move in with him

In 2013, upon settling into his new abode, 31-year-old Chris Salvatore formed an immediate bond with his 85-year-old neighbor Norma Cook and her feline companion, Hermes, with a simple greeting. Chris and Norma quickly grew close, with Chris regularly assisting Norma with her daily chores and being a reliable source of support whenever she needed it.

As Norma reached the age of 89, her health began to decline, leading to her hospitalization. In order to return home, she required constant care, a service she unfortunately had no one to provide. This presented a grim outlook for her return.

Discovering Norma’s plight, Chris didn’t hesitate to take action. He had become Norma’s sole confidant and wasn’t prepared to let her down. Launching a GoFundMe campaign, Chris astonishingly raised $25,000 within seven hours, ultimately reaching $50,000 after a month. Yet, facing the reality of expensive round-the-clock healthcare, Chris knew a more sustainable solution was necessary.

“Facing the prospect of her being placed in a facility was something I couldn’t bear for someone who’s like family to me,” he shared with TODAY.

In response, Chris extended an invitation to Norma to join him in his home. “I’m overjoyed to provide her the opportunity to spend her last days in the comfort of a home,” Chris expressed. “It’s hard to fathom spending your final moments in a hospital, alone without your beloved friends or pets.”

Tragically, Norma passed away in February 2017, yet she spent her last earthly moments cherished and nurtured.

Chris communicated the somber news to his social media family, where he would often share snapshots and clips of moments with his “granny,” like enjoying the news, engaging in conversation, and sharing peanuts.

“She referred to me as the grandson she never had,” recalled Chris of his time with Norma.

Such an extraordinary example of kindness and compassion. May blessings abound for the heartfelt care you bestowed upon your neighbor.

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