A baby who was born with a birthmark on his forehead in the form of a heart. What does he look like at 6 years old?

Birthmarks are common occurrences on the skin from the moment we enter the world.
In contrast, we’re excited to share the story of a young boy with a particularly enchanting feature. Initially mistaken for a smudge by his father, who attempted to clean his newborn son’s forehead, this mark was no ordinary blotch.
The mark that the father believed to be dirt proved to be indelible. It was, in fact, a heart-shaped birthmark belonging to a boy named Chinar.
Now at the age of six, Chinar has captured the hearts of those around him. His distinctive heart-shaped birthmark makes him a much-adored figure, with many seeking a photograph with the boy with the luminous heart on his brow.
Doctors have mentioned that such birthmarks generally fade between the ages of 6 and 8 years. However, Chinar’s mark remains a sweet anomaly, and rather than being a concern, it has made him a local sensation.
Nature has certainly left its unique signature!