A boy gives up his dream shoes to buy boots for a poor classmate and is then rewarded

As was his custom, young David claimed the window seat on the homeward bound school bus. With the breeze whisking by, he would lose himself in the thrill of the day’s football match, replaying each moment in his mind.
“You were sensational on the field today!” a classmate complimented him after the game.
“Looks like we’ve got a future national star among us! Better snag those autographs now!” chimed in another teammate, delivering a hefty slap on David’s back in excitement.
Becoming a national icon like the legends of soccer was David’s most fervent aspiration.
The very thought of basking in the glorious moment of victory, hoisting the gleaming trophy aloft alongside his teammates, as cameras captured their beaming smiles, bathed David in joy.
His mind would often wander to his post-game interviews. How he would attribute his rise to fame from modest beginnings to his beloved mother.
“Do you mind if I sit here?”
So engrossed was David in his daydreams that he hardly noticed a classmate asking to share his seat.
With a respectful nod, the boy took the seat beside David, clutching his backpack and began to share his own aspirations.
“My goal is to be the top football player in our school, just like David. To be seated next to him—I can hardly believe it!” exclaimed the boy passionately.
This admirer of David never missed a match, utterly convinced that David epitomized his own football goals. He longed to emulate David’s skills, his popularity, and even yearned for David’s stylish football cleats.
“Perhaps these worn-out sneakers will suffice for now,” the boy silently hoped, tucking his feet away from sight.
Guillermo, though introverted and typically withdrawn, one day mustered the courage to approach his idol.
“Hello, David! I’m Guillermo, your number one fan!” he proclaimed.
“Really? Hey, Guillermo! That’s cool,” replied David amiably.
A brief hush followed before Guillermo suddenly exclaimed, “Your cleats are awesome!”
“These old things? They’re practically falling apart. But the brand new pair I’m getting…” David trailed off, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.
“Tell me about them!” implored Guillermo, surreptitiously withdrawing his feet further under the seat, anxious about David noticing his decrepit shoes.
“Oh, they are state-of-the-art! Shimmering in neon orange, with traction that’s simply beyond compare…”
For seven long months, David had painstakingly gathered every cent for this purchase—a first for the 12-year-old. He was determined to make this ambitious buy without adding to his mother’s financial strain, given her relentless efforts to support him and his two younger twin sisters.
“Mom, I’ve got this covered. With Tracy and Katie’s birthdays just around the corner, you’ve got enough to worry about saving for their party,” he assured her.
Through an early morning paper route and a lemonade stand he ran last summer, David’s savings gradually accumulated in his piggy bank. At last, it was filled to the brim, signaling the moment he could finally claim those coveted dream sneakers.
During the bus journey home after school, he was bursting with excitement to share his plans with Guillermo.
“Guess what, Guillermo? Once I’m done with homework, I’m hitting the store to grab the coolest shoes out there. And you’re coming with me! It’s going to be epic!”
Guillermo was genuinely thrilled for his role model. That excitement quickly faded when he accidentally dropped his shoe, revealing it to the entire bus.
The shoe that David glimpsed was in tatters, clearly a low-budget summer shoe, its surface peeling away, the sole punctured with holes, completely bereft of laces.
In his embarrassment, Guillermo let his remaining shoe slip from his grasp too.
Witnessing his friend cowering behind his hands, tears streaming down softly yet profusely, David felt a knot in his throat. For the remainder of the journey, words eluded the pair.
“Rendezvous at 5, okay?” David finally suggested, signaling he still intended for Guillermo to join him. There was no chance he was going solo—not after witnessing his friend’s struggle.
Entering the store later, David was met with, “Ah David! Ready for your new cleats? I’ve got them prepped right here!”
“Actually, could you show us these boots in a smaller size?” David motioned towards a particularly sturdy pair of footwear.
The proprietor, Mr. Manning, was puzzled.
“But David, I’ve got them in your size as you asked,” he said.
“These aren’t for me. They’re for my friend,” David responded, gesturing to Guillermo.
Guillermo stood in disbelief, trying to protest.
“No, David, you really shouldn’t…”
David offered a reassuring squeeze of Guillermo’s shoulder and a comforting wink.
“It’s fine, Guillermo. You always say I’m your hero. Now it’s time for me to act like one.”
Mr. Manning, witnessing their interaction, felt a wave of emotion and knew it was his turn to make a gesture.
“That style suits you perfectly. It’s the finest pair we have,” he reassured Guillermo with a smile.
The awkwardness and embarrassment Guillermo felt earlier melted into sheer delight and appreciation for David’s unexpected kindness.
As they pedalled away from the store, Mr. Manning signaled his employees.
“There’s something we must do right away…” he instructed them with determination.
“David! There’s someone at our doorway with a delivery truck!” David’s mother was equally baffled.
David scurried to the doorstep to discover Mr. Manning standing there with a beaming grin.
“Why have you come all this way?” David queried, puzzled.
“I was there in the shop, David. I noticed what you did,” Mr. Manning confessed.
“I’ve seen the effort you put into earning the money for those shoes, from selling lemonade to delivering papers. And now you sacrificed your own dream to support a buddy in greater need,” he continued.
David, feeling a bit shy under the spotlight, glanced at his mother whose pride was evident.
“Such acts of thoughtfulness and camaraderie deserve recognition in today’s world. So here’s what we’ll do: climb into the truck and pick any shoes you fancy. They’re for you, your family, anyone — consider it a gift from the store,” Mr. Manning declared.
Looking to his mother for a sign, David waited eagerly. With her approval, he bounded toward the vehicle, eyes alight with anticipation.
“Come on, after you we’re off to Guillermo’s place. There are shoes waiting for his household too!” Mr. Manning added with a warm chuckle.