A dog comforts an abused, neglected puppy who has just arrived at a shelter

Arrival at a shelter can be a bewildering and scary experience for dogs. They arrive without understanding the reasoning, feeling the overwhelming presence of countless other canines, and often can’t discern friend from foe.
For those dogs who have faced maltreatment, trust is a scarce commodity, making their adjustment in the shelter environment that much more challenging—they carry the daunting question of whether they’ll be subjected to harm once more.
In the midst of such uncertainty, a fortunate twist of fate brought Sammy, a young puppy, under the wing of Simon, a compassionate dog whose own past had prepped him for the role of a consoler.
The tender moment capturing the duo’s bond, displayed within the nurturing confines of the Rescue Dogs Rock NYC sanctuary, has captured hearts far and wide.
Having both suffered before their rescue, and with only weeks separating their arrivals, Sammy and Simon formed a connection that transcended their hardships.
Sammy, a three-month-old boxer pup, endured cruel treatment being shot and marked with spray paint, sustaining serious wounds, a shattered bone, and in desperate need of a skin graft.
As Sammy entered the shelter, Simon, a gentle border collie, didn’t hesitate to embrace and befriend the injured puppy, providing the reassurance and solace that only a true furry friend could offer.
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