A Police Officer Pulls Over A Speeding Car

An officer stops a fast-moving car, saying, “I detected your speed at 80 mph, sir.”
The motorist replies, “Oh officer, I thought I was maintaining 60 with the cruise control on; maybe there’s an issue with your radar device.”
Without taking her eyes off her knitting the wife interjects: “Oh, come now, honey — you’re well aware this vehicle doesn’t come with cruise control.”
As the officer starts writing the ticket, the driver turns to his wife with a snarl, “Would you mind not speaking right now?!”
The wife offers a coy smile and remarks, “You ought to be grateful your speed alert activated when it did, or you’d have been going even faster.”
As the officer proceeds to issue a second ticket for the unauthorized radar detection device, the husband glares at his wife and hisses, “Is it impossible for you to stay quiet?”
The officer looks up with disapproval and notes, “Additionally, I see you’re not strapped in with your seat belt, sir. That will be another $75 penalty.”
The motorist contends, “I did have it fastened, but I had to unfasten it to retrieve my driver’s license from my back pocket, once you flagged me down, officer.”
The wife asserts, “Honey, you should know that’s not true. You never buckle up when behind the wheel.”
While the policeman writes out the third infraction, the driver swivels toward his wife and exasperatedly commands, ‘For heaven’s sake, keep quiet!”
The officer peers at the woman and inquires, “Is it common for your husband to address you in that manner, Ma’am?”
“Only when he’s been drinking,” she reveals.