A battle for inheritance or concern: Alain Delon’s children get bogged down in family war

The sons of French actor Alain Delonon – Antoni and Alain-Fabian, have declared war on their sister Anushka, accusing her of hiding their father’s true health condition. He is now 88 and has serious health problems. After suffering a stroke in 2019, the star of French cinema is in a rather fragile state, almost does not appear in public, but the scandals in his immediate surroundings do not subside.

A battle for the legacy or genuine concern for Alain Delon’s health is at the heart of the current episode of the family war? This is asked by fans of the cinema legend in the midst of the scandal, which erupted in the early days of 2024. In the public domain, the mutual accusations and disclosures did not stop, and the French judicial authorities accepted an appeal after a complaint by and against members of the Delon family.

The spark caught an Angry Anthony, the actor’s eldest child, announcing to Money Match magazine that his father had cognitive problems, but his sister Anushka, where the actor was at the time, had not told the family. Alain Delon and his firstborn son have long been in a strained relationship, but in 2021. They made up after the death of Natalie Delon, the mother of Antoni and the only wife of the French actor.

Anushka “has not notified either me or our brother that between 2019 and 2022. Five cognitive tests have been done on Dad at a clinic in Switzerland and he has not dealt with either of them, which makes him vulnerable,” Antoni Delon, 59, said in a statement. “According to doctors, these tests show cognitive degradation that puts my father in a position of psychological weakness and therefore vulnerability.”

That’s precisely because of this, the older son thinks Anushka has “put at risk” their common parent. Antoni has notified the authorities in Diesi-Monkorbon, south of Paris, where Alain Delon has a mansion and resides there with his son Alain-Fabian.

He is also said to be in Switzerland, where Anushka’s home is – the only daughter and his beloved child, as French media claim. She was 33 and was born from the actor’s relationship with Rosalie van Brimen. Also of her is the younger son – Alain-Fabian, who is 29 years old.

Antoni Delon insists that the scandal is not related to the legacy, but to the place where the French actor should spend the rest of his life. According to the first-born son, Alain Delon is now nearing the end of his powers. He insists his father wants to be at the home in Souls-Moncorbon in his final days, and Anushka insists on “returning” him to Switzerland, whose citizen Delon has been since 1999. According to him, the aim is to avoid a “huge tax” on the inheritance after the actor’s death. “My sister gets 50% of my father’s fortune, my brother and I get the reserved share – 25%.” So Alain Delon had already distributed his fortune, Anthony claimed.

In an interview in 2021. Delon said he had already written a will as he did not want to lead to conflicts after his death. As a performer of her last will, he has named his daughter Anushka. The star’s wealth of French cinema is estimated to amount to more than 200 million euros, and in addition to real estate, he also owns a large collection of paintings.

Alain Delon with his daughter Anushka on the red carpet

In the dispute with Anushka, Antoni has the support of his younger brother, Alain-Fabian. The two seem to be in the same opinion more than ever, commented “Figaro”.

The younger brother announced he had filed a complaint against his sister, accusing her of “abusing a weakness” of their father, but also of “innumerable other things” among them hiring bodyguards to monitor what was happening on the Souls estate and reporting to her. The document was submitted on 22 December last year. and a preliminary investigation has already been launched, judicial officials told AFP. On his Instagram account, the young man even uploaded a video, claiming it contained a conversation between Anushka and their father, Figaro reported. She warns her parent that she needs to be careful as they “take him up for an idiot.”

Alain-Fabian told “Money Match” that the actor already wanted to end his life. The younger son explained that Delon’s condition had seriously deteriorated since the summer. Alain-Fabian was mainly taking care of him in Souls, as his sister left.

Anushka has denied her attacks to Tef1 and claims she wants to take his father to Switzerland so he can get medical treatment. “I’m my father’s daughter, I’m not the daughter of a wallet,” she said of claims about inheritance.

“Leave me alone, leave my daughter alone,” Alain Delon himself urged, through his lawyer, who is authorized to file a complaint against Antoni for his speeches. The actor was of the opinion that Antoni was taking advantage of his name to get publicity. In front of the Money Match, Alain-Fabian questioned his father’s words, quoted by the lawyer as the actor barely spoke.

Defender Christoph Ayela has asked the prosecution to provide legal protection to the actor concerned about his health and his life, which he believes is “in danger.” The lawyer claims that Delon does not receive the necessary medical care in the mansion in Souls. By order of the authorities, a doctor is yet to assess Delon’s condition.

In the last half year, the Delon family has taken the top spot in the French media with scandals. Last summer, the actor’s three children joined forces against a Japanese woman with whom their father coexisted. They filed a complaint against her, convinced that their father was being bullied and his privacy was being violated by his girlfriend Hiromi Rolen. Antoni, Anushka and Alain-Fabian feared that their parent was under pressure to marry the Japanese woman, and such “behaviour was not devoid of monetary intentions.”

And after they saved the legacy from Hiromi, the French actor’s children began to fight a battle with each other. Delon’s expelled exiled former co-habitant has broken her silence since July and accused the actor’s three children of endangering their father’s life.

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