American Tourist Taunts An Australian Man

While savoring a coffee accompanied by buttery crossaints and sweet jam in a local café, an Aussie was joined by a gum-chewing American tourist.
Despite the Aussie’s attempt to enjoy his meal in peace, the American struck up a chat.
Snapping his gum, the American inquired, ‘Do you Australians consume the entire piece of bread?’

With a look of irritation at the interruption, the Aussie replied, ‘absolutely.’
The American, puffing up a bubble, boasted, ‘Well, back in America, we just eat the soft middle part. The edges are compiled, repurposed into croissants, and guess what – sold back to places like Australia.’
A smug look plastered on the American’s face while the Aussie kept his calm.

Undeterred, the American questioned further, ‘You enjoy jam with your bread?’

Exhaling in slight exasperation, the Aussie confirmed, ‘naturally.’

The American chomped on his gum, stating, ‘Not us. Over in America, we prefer our fruit fresh at breakfast, and all the scraps are collected, processed into jam, and – you may have guessed it – exported to Australia.’

The Aussie then posed a question, ‘Do folks engage in intimate relations in the States?’

With a grin, the American replied, ‘Absolutely, yes.’

Inquisitively, the Aussie drew closer and asked, ‘And the used condoms – what happens to them?’

The American said nonchalantly, ‘Thrown out, of course!’

A smirk now danced on the Aussie’s lips.

‘Well, in Australia , we save them up. They’re processed into a substance, remade into chewable gum, and sold to America. Haven’t you ever wondered why it’s called Wrigley’s?’

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