An Old Man Has Had Enough Of His Wife’s Bad Hearing

Advancing age often means more frequent medical consultations. Sometimes, our concerns extend beyond our own health to that of our beloved partners.

It’s not uncommon to seek medical advice when we notice that our significant other could use some professional intervention to tackle a health dilemma, especially when it’s impacting our collective well-being.

That was exactly the case for a certain gentleman who believed that his wife’s deteriorating hearing could be improved with a doctor’s assistance.

Keep reading to discover the amusing twist that occurred when he returned home.

An older gentleman was wrapping up his routine doctor’s appointment.

Before departing, he inquired if the doctor could suggest a hearing specialist for his wife.

“Is she having trouble?” the physician queried.

The senior explained that his wife’s hearing had diminished significantly and it was becoming quite problematic.

The doctor mentioned a few experts but first suggested a simple test the man could conduct at home to gauge the severity of the hearing impairment.

“When you’re at home,” the doctor instructed, “pose a question to her while she has her back to you. If she fails to answer, get closer each time and repeat the question until you get a response. Report back to me your findings.”

On returning home that evening, the elderly man observed his wife busily preparing the evening meal with her back towards the entrance.

“What are we having for supper?” he inquired.

With no response from her, he moved to the kitchen entrance and asked again.

Still met with silence, he approached her from behind and posed the question a third time.

“What are we having for supper?”

His wife, clearly annoyed, turned around and exclaimed,

“For the umpteenth time, Chicken Fry!”

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