Barron Trump taught ‘lesson of kindness’ during first weeks at new Florida private school

Barron Trump is making his way into the new environment of Oxbridge Academy in West Palm Beach, Florida, with aspirations of completing his education there by 2024.

While the youngest Trump has largely been shielded from the public eye, recent developments have shed light on his academic journey in the Sunshine State. His educational path has been discreet until now, but reports are surfacing about his experiences at his new private school in Florida.

As per The Sun, Oxbridge Academy promises a delightful dining experience and an emphasis on the value of compassion.

Donald Trump Barron Trump

Given Donald Trump’s immense wealth, it’s evident that Barron has been raised with every advantage at his fingertips.

Glimpse Into Barron Trump’s Early Years

In a dialogue with Parenting magazine, Melania Trump described young Barron’s fascination with aircraft and his wholesome upbringing. Despite their affluence, a traditional nanny was not part of their household.

“Barron is 9 years old. He necessitates parental presence, hence my constant proximity,” Melania articulated in a 2015 People interview. “As you’re aware, my husband frequently travels.”

“We minimize the reliance on nannies,” Trump himself stated. “Excessive assistance prevents the bonding with one’s children.”

Melania encouraged Barron’s creative streak from a tender age, supporting his artistry, even as it extended to the household walls.

Melania Trump

“Barron’s room reflects a blend of our home’s aesthetic with his personal interests: aviation and helicopters,” Melania told Parenting, as reported by Metro. “We encourage his creativity; we let him dream up and realize whatever he wishes in his space. He’s free to paint over any drawings he fancies on the walls.”

“In his domain, he is master of his creativity; we’ve seen his artwork on the walls, and if it calls for it, it’s nothing a new coat of paint can’t fix,” she posited.

Nurtured by Melania

“His early foray into art began with wall scribbles,” Melania recalled. “His burgeoning imagination is vital. It thrives as we allow him to express himself with wall drawings in his playroom. When he initiated ‘Barron’s Bakery’, he freely decorated the walls. Limiting him would stifle his inventiveness,” she stated.

As Barron matured, Melania served as the primary caregiver, with Donald acknowledging during a 2005 interview with Larry King that he preferred a less hands-on parenting approach.

“I won’t be doing diapers or meal prep, and I might go days without seeing the kids,” Trump admitted.

Yet Barron cherished the moments spent with his father, often accompanying him to dine out or to golf, with Melania ensuring quality father-son time.

Melania took a hands-on role in Barron’s education, guiding him through his studies from a young age.

It is widely speculated that following his high school tenure, Barron will carry on the Trump family tradition of attending an illustrious university, though he’s currently matriculating at an eminent private school.

Barron Trump’s Education Path

When Donald Trump ascended to the presidency in 2016, Melania chose to stay behind in New York City with Barron so he could complete his academic year, according to multiple media reports.

“Melania is the one who wishes to remain. She refuses to disrupt Barron’s academic rhythm,” a source disclosed to the New York Daily News.

“She values the relationship he has built with his educators at Columbia Prep,” the source added.

Barron was enrolled in the revered Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, a nonsectarian institution in New York City with over two hundred years of history.

Upon the conclusion of his New York schooling, Barron transitioned to the White House, becoming the first boy to reside there since JFK Jr.

Of the immediate past presidents, Barack Obama, George Bush Jr., and Bill Clinton were only fathers to daughters. Other presidential sons, in the post-Kennedy era, were grown and did not live in the White House.

Melania Trump, Donald Trump, Barron Trump

While residing in the presidential abode, Barron was the first presidential offspring to attend St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, Maryland, breaking the tradition of the previous 35 years where presidential children attended Sidwell Friends School instead.

Barron Trump’s New Chapter at Oxbridge Academy

Melania commended the school for its commitment to academic rigor and cultural diversity. Post the change in administration with Joe Biden’s victory, and Donald Trump’s subsequent departure from office, Melania has been scouting for new educational opportunities in Florida for their son.

The final decision on Barron’s educational continuity has been made.

Scott Siegfried, Oxbridge Academy’s Director of Advancement, confirmed Barron’s enrolment and the school’s eagerness to welcome him to their community, as noted by People.

The Oxbridge Academy promotes accessibility through merit-based scholarships and generous financial assistance, striving to attract and support qualified students from diverse backgrounds, as stated on their website.

The academy’s website lists the tuition for the 2021-2022 academic year at $34,800.

For Barron, this signifies a fresh start filled with new opportunities. The campus boasts a range of activities, including sports like basketball, swimming, track & field, and golf, and even houses a flight simulator, per The List.

Oxbridge Academy

Moreover, the academy boasts a variety of clubs and extracurricular activities, such as the prestigious National Honor Society. Additionally, it’s mandatory for all enrollees to possess an Apple laptop.

Instilling Compassionate Values

Mere weeks post announcement, Barron Trump has seemingly embarked on his new academic year, The Sun initially reported.

Barron’s educational adventure began roughly a fortnight ago, granting a peek into his current schooling environment.

The dining offerings for the ex-President’s offspring include an array of choices, from savory chicken wings, maple miso-infused salmon, to veggie burgers, supplemented with dishes like gnocchi and even Thursday breakfast options.

Beyond academia, Barron’s school emphasizes the importance of cultivating solid friendships and imparting values of compassion to its students.

This past Tuesday, the institution shared an image of masked pupils on Twitter.

“Embracing a Culture of Kindness at Oxbridge means honing the skill of attentive listening-—paying heed to not only the spoken words but their delivery,” conveyed the educational institution’s tweet.

“In a demonstration of esteem and courtesy, eighth graders Charlie Wiggle, Margaret Toner, and Marco Raffinengo engage in this meaningful practice,” concluded with “#kindness.”

Will Barron Trump plunge into the school’s sports programs remains up in the air, but his fondness for soccer is well known.

Secret Service Ensuring Safety

In a CBS dialogue, Trump expressed his view of American football as perilous given its concussion risks, and shared his son’s preference for pursuing a soccer ball instead.

Barron has previously showcased his soccer talents with DC United’s U-12 and Arlington Soccer Association’s U-14 teams.

“Upon learning FIFA’s president was visiting Washington, my son was eager to meet him,” reminisced Donald Trump in 2018. “Barron is an avid soccer fan, and the sport’s certainly on a meteoric rise globally.”

As a presidential progeny, Barron will be under diligent Secret Service protection, which is not something new to Oxbridge Academy.

“Their intent is minimal interference with our daily functioning. They’re well-versed in safeguarding former presidents’ children. Their professionalism is unmatched,” Scott Siegfried shared with The Palm Beach Post.

With this move into Florida, it appears the Trump clan overall is gravitating toward the Sunshine State. Both Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump have acquired estates nearby.

Ivanka Trump, alongside her spouse Jared Kushner, is in the midst of constructing their residence after snapping up a parcel of land on the secluded Indian Creek, Florida.

Barron Trump’s Elusive Public Presence

Tiffany Trump, the former president’s youngest daughter, is the only Trump offspring not currently linked to the migration to Miami, though it’s rumored she’s property hunting there too.

During his father’s tenure, Barron maintained a relatively low profile, more often sighted during travels with his parents to and from presidential transports.

Their Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida has been a getaway hub for the Trump family and their subsequent residential choice after leaving the national seat of power.

Melania, dedicated to sheltering her son from the public eye, advocated for his privacy, often curating his exposure and any revelations pertaining to him.

Post-presidency, the Trump family has been discreet; however, recent snapshots of Melania and Barron in New York City have stirred interest anew in the young Trump.

One particular aspect has everyone buzzing—Barron’s impressive height. Despite just celebrating his 15th birthday, he stands at a towering 6 feet 7 inches tall, and he’s probably not done growing.

Next to his 5-foot-11-inch mother, Barron’s stature is even more pronounced!

A Fresh Glimpse of Barron Trump

A recently captured photo caught him and Melania stepping out of Trump Tower in Manhattan.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Barron was seen with his mother’s exclusive Louis Vuitton bag, a luxury item with a price tag of $3,995.

At just 15, Barron has already outgrown the heights of his family members.

His father, the elder Trump, stands “merely” at 6-feet-3. Recently, he remarked about his son’s stature.

“Barron towers at 6-foot-7, can you believe it? And he’s 15,” Trump said, playfully noting: “Eric is short—just 6-foot-6,” he quipped.

Would the experience of a private high school education appeal to you? Chime in with your thoughts!

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