Borrowed from a municipal library, a book returned… 90 years later in the United States

Better late than never: a book borrowed in 1934 was finally returned to the Watertown Public Library, its original library, in the United States in December 2023.

An unexpected return. In the United States, a book was returned 90 years after it was borrowed from the municipal library of Watertown, Massachusetts, in Middlesex County, reports the establishment, particularly on social networks.

Reported by a “patron” during a trip

Borrowed in 1934, the book Hill Towns of Italy by Egerton R. Williams Jr., however, was not reported by its reader, but by a “distant patron,” explains the Watertown Free Public Library.

This “patron” discovered the work published in 1903 in Washington DC and returned it in… December 2023, “during a trip to Boston”. “The book was last accessed on January 30, 1934 . It apparently never returned to shelves in Watertown,” local media report.

He escapes the 590 $$ fine

In the 1930s, the library charged for late arrivals: a 2-cent fine had to be paid for each additional day. That is, for 90 years of delay, 656 dollars in penalties).

Originally, the book was to be kept for a maximum of 14 days according to what we can read on the first page. “Luckily, we no longer charge late fines,” commented, amused, the Watertown Free Public Library .

Now the library has three-week loan periods with automatic extensions . The library has also not charged late fees as of 2020.

Inside Edition’s view on the matter:

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