Candace Cameron Bure Stands Firm Amid Backlash for ‘Inappropriate’ Photos with Husband


Film and TV star Candace Cameron Bure recently found herself the subject of intense scrutiny. Her remarks on “traditional marriage” sparked a wave of discontent among some followers. Now, a particular snapshot uploaded with her husband has become the center of debate.

It was during a hockey match back in 1994 when Candace met her future partner, Valeri Bure. They began their romance the same year and exchanged vows on June 22, 1996. Twenty years onward, and the couple actively works to keep the flame of their love burning bright.

The actress shared a lighthearted and intimate photo with her spouse on Instagram, showcasing the playful aspects of their relationship. However, some saw the photo as distasteful.

Despite facing censure, Candace doubled down by reposting the image and adding a video response. She defended the picture, highlighting both the affectionate and playful nature of their bond. The photo in question featured Valeri with his arm draped around Candace, his hand resting on her chest.

Detractors argued that such a display was unsuitable for a Christian celebrity. Candace’s retort was candid and unapologetic, “Sorry if it offended you… I’m actually not sorry.” Her video laughed off the controversy, emphasizing the joy they still shared after more than two decades of marriage.

She articulated that the image was a testament to the longevity and vibrancy of a 24-year strong and healthy marriage. With humor, she added, “It makes me laugh because he’s my husband. He’s free to touch me any time he wishes, and I certainly hope he does.”

What are your impressions of Candace Cameron Bure and her marriage? We welcome your perspective on this topic!

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