“Dirty hair and wrinkled face”. This is what looks like Jay Lo without filters

Many might find it difficult to picture a universally admired celebrity living a life akin to the average person. However, the latest snapshots of singing sensation and acclaimed actress Jennifer Lopez have taken her admirers by surprise, revealing a side of her rarely seen by the public.
The notion of the always flawless and put-together Lopez having a moment of casual, unstyled hair and a natural demeanor is almost unthinkable.
While the celebrity world remains hush about aging, the natural creases of life are evident, even on the famous.
“At 53, she is still remarkably striking,” “In unretouched photos, Lopez is just another woman, and there are millions like her,” “She’s nothing out of the ordinary.” These are some of the candid commentaries from netizens responding to the unfiltered photographs of Lopez.
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