For 3 weeks, people just took pictures of the husky lying at the bus stop and walked by

I received messages from countless people about a certain husky. Though their concerns poured in, pleading for someone to seek medical attention for him and rescue him from the harsh street life, none stepped forward to provide direct aid.
The distance was significant. A journey of two hours by car was required to reach the area where the canine lay, and immediate action was necessary. Experience has shown that a dog can seldom be found in the same spot after such a delay.
In the warmer months, it’s not uncommon to see dogs affected by illnesses or pestering ticks. This particular dog was spotted beside a busy road, which only compounded the danger. Yet, the passersby merely captured his image, none stopping to check his well-being – whether he was merely resting or perhaps no longer able to stand.
Setting out to find the husky, it took two challenging days before we were able to apprehend him.
Investigations later revealed that this dog had wandered on its own for an extended period. Despite being taken back to his supposed caretakers several times, they took no action to secure him safely in their home, thus he continually ended up back on the streets. Indifferent to the risks he faced, such as traffic accidents or potential injuries, it was clear no one took his safety seriously. Remarkably, the husky was just a year old and strikingly beautiful.
The canine has since been subjected to medical testing, and we will be administering treatments for tick infestations based on the findings.
Upon discovering the husky, law enforcement was notified. With no identification or microchip to claim him, those who profess to be his owners will face the onus of proving their relationship to him.
Our new four-legged friend, whom we’ve affectionately named Day, has been with us for over twenty-four hours. Yet, in this time, not a soul has come forward seeking him. It appears his former guardians have no desire to reclaim him.
Following another upcoming veterinary visit, Day will be placed in a temporary shelter. His fate remains undecided as we hold out hope for his previous owners to step forward. Failing their appearance, we’ll begin the search for someone willing to embrace him into their home. Day is intelligent, gets along well with other animals, but beyond that, his story remains largely unknown. We are hopeful, however, that his fortunes will take a positive turn and that his future will be filled with compassion and care.