Foster dad refuses to euthanize puppy born without front legs, decides to give him a second chance

Nobby, a puppy born with no front legs, was suggested for euthanasia at only four hours old by his veterinarian. But fate had other plans.
The human companion of Nobby chose a different path.
Nobby entered the world at a disadvantage, missing his front legs, making it difficult for him to compete with his littermates for nourishment. His mother didn’t reject him, but his brothers and sisters nudged him aside, preventing him from feeding.
To add to the heartache, the veterinarian recommended that Nobby be put to sleep, feeling that would be the kindest option for the tiny pup barely a few hours into its life.
But Texans Lou and Mark Robinson, a couple with a history of rescuing and providing sanctuary for stray and discarded dogs, envisioned a brighter future for him.
Lou Robinson / Facebook
Ignoring the vet’s advice, they took Nobby into their care, taking him back to their home where they showered him with continuous love, security, and nourishment from a bottle.
Lou Robinson / Facebook
Initially, Nobby seemed to thrive.
“His eyes opened, his ears became responsive. He could bark, sense scents, and recognize voices,” Lou Robinson recounted to The Dodo.
Lou Robinson / Facebook
However, not long after, their worries grew.
By the time Nobby reached one month, complications arose. He was sneezing incessantly, unable to defecate, and bubbles were appearing at his nostrils.
Lou Robinson / Facebook
An X-ray revealed issues with Nobby’s esophagus.
Nobby was treated with antibiotics and placed in an incubator, his condition teetering on the edge. However, his resilience was unmatched.
Lou Robinson / Facebook
He was a fighter, and with any opportunity for a fulfilling life, his foster humans fought right alongside him.
In a fortunate turn of events, Nobby’s health improved as time went on. Now, three years later, this extraordinary pup has proven to be a remarkable fighter.
Despite the obstacles life throws at him, Nobby has demonstrated that incredible feats are achievable. The Robinsons even set up a Facebook page for people to join in on his touching journey.
Lou Robinson / Facebook
Based on recent updates and photographs, Nobby has never been in better spirits.
He has matured into a robust canine, exploring life with enthusiasm and curiosity. His specialized wheelchair adds to his mobility, empowering him to engage and frolic with others.
Nobby stands as a beacon of hope, affirming that uniqueness is a strength rather than a hindrance.
Lou Robinson / Facebook
The veterinarian might have written off his chances, but thanks to Lou and Mark’s intervention, Nobby has emerged as a symbol of possibility.
Celebrate the tenacity of this fabulous canine and commend Lou and Mark for their exceptional dedication!