«From Ken to Barbie» TV celebrity Rodrigo Alves was changed completely, becoming a desirable girl

Once known as Rodrigo, Jessica Alves now turns heads as a stunning woman, having undergone an astounding 74 surgical operations. Recently spotted on vacation, Jessica paraded her curvaceous figure in a bikini, sparking diverse reactions😬🙄.

Familiar to many, especially in her former identity as Rodrigo Alves, Jessica has stepped away from the intense surgical journey that transformed her into the dazzling blonde she aspired to become, fulfilling a costly dream both financially and emotionally.

Bearing her new look with pride, Jessica has announced that she’s become the embodiment of many men’s fantasies. Flaunting her voluptuous body in a revealing bikini through photos, her appearance received a mixture of critiques and commendations.

While some celebrated her outstanding and daring beauty, others questioned the need for such extensive alteration, suggesting it made her less appealing.

There’s speculation amongst netizens that her radical transformation was driven by the lure of wealth and stardom. Curiosities also abound regarding her family’s perspective on her metamorphosis. Public opinion certainly varies: some express awe at her transformation, while others showcase their dismay over the drastic changes, even expressing concern for her well-being.

Share your views in the comments below—join the discussion with other internet commentators about Jessica Alves and her radical new image.

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