“Generational Resemblance”: Amazing Photos of Mothers and Daughters Who Look Like Peers!

While parenting may often come with sleepless nights and endless worries, adding years to one’s appearance, there are some moms who maintain a strikingly youthful glow. Bored Panda has curated an incredible set of photographs featuring mothers who could very well pass for their daughters’ sisters despite a significant difference in years.
Peruse our gallery and see if you can figure out which is which. We invite your opinions and guesses in the comments section below!
The moment you catch your reflection and spot your mother’s likeness staring back at you!
Introducing 43-year-old Bayan Yessentayeva (on the right) with her 20-year-old daughter Aissaule standing beside her.
Shantol and Johnelle strike a pose with their youthful-looking mother in the center of it all!
A striking duo of mother and daughter!
Gaze upon this 43-year-old mother on the left, standing proudly with her twin daughters!
Can you discern who is the mother and who is the daughter here?
Just like friends of the same age, mom and daughter share an uncanny resemblance, right?
This 45-year-old woman stands at the focal point, encircled by her six offspring!
Meet the Dale duo: Rochelle, who is 23 years old and stands on the right, with her 51-year-old mother Pav. They could very well be taken for siblings themselves!
Were you from the collection? Feel free to express your views or share your surprise in the comment section below.