He saw six feet in bed so his wife made him count again

The start of this joke might tickle your funny bone, but the real chuckle comes with the twist at the end, which isn’t as predictable as one might think. Picture the scene: a husband returns home to find his wife and her secret companion tucked in bed. What unfolds is a comedy of errors and an attempted cover-up.

Enjoy the full story below.

Caught in the act: A wife, her secret visitor, and an unexpected early return of the husband.

“Don’t move,” she whispered urgently.

“He’s had too much to drink to notice you’re here with me.”

When the husband stumbled into the room and onto the bed, moments later he squinted and noticed an unusual number of limbs.

“Why do I see six feet when there should only be four?” he questioned with slurred curiosity.

“Darling, your inebriation is playing tricks on your vision,” the wife assured him with feigned concern.

“Step off the bed and count again from there. That view might clear up your confusion,” she suggested cleverly.

He obligingly got out, looked again, and attempted to recount.

“One… two… three… four. Ah, you were correct,” he finally agreed, satisfied with his recount.

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