If you see a man with one painted fingernail, this is what it means

While in Cambodia, Elliot Costello embarked on a journey that would forever change his perspective, thanks in part to a young girl named Thea.
This encounter not only left an indelible mark on Elliot but also spurred him to spearhead a global initiative to combat child sexual abuse.
Every day, Thea would sport freshly painted nails. During a conversation, she asked Elliot if she could apply polish to one of his nails. He agreed, enjoying the interaction with the spirited young girl, only to later discover her history of sexual abuse.

“I made a promise to her that I would maintain this single painted nail as a personal tribute to her memory and her struggle,” reflected Elliot.
Motivated by Thea’s story, Elliot sought to transform male perspectives to help lower the incidents of child sexual violence.
Thus initiated the #PolishedMan campaign, encouraging men to paint one nail as a symbolic gesture representing the harrowing statistic that one in five children fall victim to sexual abuse.
The Polished Man organization is on a mission to eradicate sexual abuse against children. They assert that being an advocate of the cause requires men to stand against aggressive behaviors and words, both in local communities and across the globe.
Elliot points out that with men as the primary perpetrators in 96% of sexual violence cases against children globally, they must become the catalyst for change to protect innocent lives from such heinous acts.

The goal behind the visual prompt of one painted nail is to ignite conversations about child abuse and encourage innovative prevention measures. Elliot also aims for this campaign to generate financial support for educational programs and recovery resources dedicated to young victims of abuse, as outlined by APlus.
Our hope is that more individuals, especially those in the public eye, will pledge their support for this meaningful campaign.
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