Julia Roberts: When someone is happy, it doesn’t matter how old they are

Love is the main ingredient of the recipe to be forever young, says actress Julia Roobarts. She is on the cover of Britain’s Vogue in a candid interview with writer and director Richard Curtis. He wrote the screenplay for Notting Hill – the film in which Roberts teamed up with Hugh Grant.

Julia Roberts is one of the actresses who doesn’t seem to get old. And it was with this topic that Curtis started the interview. The actress jokes that the secret to eternal youth is in the “marine” – every Saturday at 6 p.m. Stuck your head in a special jar. He then replied that she had never been bothered by wrinkles and that the serious answer to the question of eternal youth was quite different.
“The serious answer is good genes and leading a full life. And as I’ve said before, usually in jest – I believe in the love of a good man. I believe my husband loves me and takes care of me in a way that makes me feel very, very happy. When you see someone happy person, it doesn’t matter how old he is,” Roberts says.
She is one of the most beloved actresses and believes that this fact is due to her being sincere and ordinary. She says there’s something in her that people recognize and makes them feel comfortable. She says her admirers can see her at the grocery store or how she stands behind them at the church on Sunday.
In this sense, one of the most difficult films for her was precisely Notting Hill, because she didn’t feel comfortable wearing a movie star. Narrated that during filming she felt best dressed with her plain blue skirt, T-shirt and vest.
Julia Roberts is known for her roles in romantic comedies such as Notting Hill and Pretty Woman. In the interview, she shared that she would never get tired of acting in such films because she likes to make people laugh.
“I love watching a movie without hearing them. That’s how I feel all the emotions you can see on the actors’ faces,” Roberts said.
Responding to the question of whether, as a famous actress, she felt a responsibility to set an example for other women, Roberts said she gave an example of the things she refused to do. And that’s about undressing in front of a camera, even for my role in Pretty Woman.
“You should never criticize other people’s choices. I decided not to undress in movies. If you ask me to do something like this, you should be aware that it should be restrained. I as a mother of three feels things that way,” the actress says.
At the end of the interview, Julia Roberts commented that she doesn’t like to make plans for the future. He says he likes himself in the here and now and prefers to buy with full handfuls of the present.