Mom with huge belly delivered a very big baby

At 29 years of age, Chrissy Corbitt was no novice to birthing sizable newborns, with her first two offsprings tipping the scales at around 9 and 10 pounds. Anticipating her fourth child, Chrissy, a Keystone Heights, Florida-based homemaker, braced herself for another potentially large bundle of joy.

Yet the reality of her situation proved far more jaw-dropping. As 2017 rolled in and Chrissy’s delivery neared, the mammoth size of her belly caught the eyes and comments of onlookers far and wide.

Chrissy’s extraordinary belly size was partly due to the gestational diabetes she grappled with early in her pregnancy. This condition can provoke blood sugar levels to soar in the initial trimester, heightening the risk of congenital defects.

Moreover, if blood sugar levels spike during the final trimester, the result could be a rapid growth spurt for the fetus, leading to potential birth complications. Chrissy’s doctors predicted that her unborn child would be between 9 and 10 pounds at birth.

The day Chrissy welcomed baby Carleigh into the world through a C-section, a week prior to her due date, the delivery room buzzed with an unexpected air of excitement. This ebullient atmosphere was unlike anything Chrissy had experienced with her previous deliveries.

The reason for the commotion became clear when the nurses revealed the newborn’s staggering weight. “I recall the doctor commenting, ‘This baby just keeps coming,’” shared Chrissy. Her astonishment was palpable upon setting eyes on her daughter for the first time.

“It was as though they’d extracted a toddler from my abdomen. She’s simply enormous,” remarked Chrissy. Carleigh’s weight, measured by the astounded Dr. Eric Edelenbos, broke his personal record for the heaviest newborn he’d ever delivered, with the scale stopping at an impressive 13 pounds!

So extraordinary was Carleigh’s size that the infant outfits and diapers Chrissy and her husband Larry had prepared were rendered unusable. Carleigh needed attire and diapers fit for a child significantly older, wearing sizes suited for 9-month-olds right off the bat.

But despite her extraordinary birth weight, Carleigh was brimming with health, much to the delight of her mother.

”Overflowing with chubby folds, our daughter is just a hefty ball of cuddles. She couldn’t be more endearing,” beams Chrissy.

Yet, Carleigh doesn’t quite claim the title of the largest newborn ever recorded. That staggering record is held by a baby born in 1879, with a monumental weight of 23 pounds, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

Above all, it’s a huge relief and a source of joy that Chrissy had a safe delivery despite her baby’s exceptional size.

Have you or someone you know ever experienced the arrival of such a large infant?

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