Mother is outraged after doctors apologize for her daughter having Down Syndrome

The Bailey family from Sheffield, in the UK, were brimming with anticipation for the arrival of their twin girls, joining their excited brother, Lucas.
However, at 30 weeks, Nicola Bailey had an unforeseen c-section. The awaited moment had come at last.

Nicola felt well after delivery, and the doctors initially confirmed that both babies, named Harper and Quinn, were in healthy condition despite being premature.
Confusion clouded the room about an hour later as doctors hesitantly announced to Nicola, “I’m sorry,” before revealing that Harper, the firstborn, was diagnosed with Down Syndrome.

Down Syndrome is a condition originating from an anomaly in chromosome numbers that affects development and, in some cases, cognitive abilities. Individuals with this syndrome often share distinctive physical features like a protruding tongue, upward slanting eyes, and uncommon ear shapes. Despite this, they are quite capable like others. The stigma around them has been slowly diminishing over the years, yet they still face public scrutiny and discrimination.
Apart from her diagnosis, Harper had additional health concerns, including two holes in her heart. Fortunately, one closed on its own while the other required surgical intervention.

Returning home, the Baileys were disturbed by the manner in which the medical staff announced Harper’s condition. They wondered, why was an apology necessary? To them, Harper brought as much joy and exhibited as much liveliness as any child her age.
Determined to shift social attitudes, Nicola took to social platforms to depict life with her girls, refusing to accept the all-too-common sympathy expressed as “I’m sorry” upon first meeting Harper. To them, Harper’s condition was not a sorrowful event.

Acceptance and not apologies should be the norm when it comes to Down Syndrome. Dignity and respect are what people with different abilities deserve from society, including medical professionals.
For those interested in learning more about the engaging journey of the Bailey family, there’s a video available.