Richard Gere went out for a walk with his young beautiful wife

At the age of 72, Richard Gere’s age gap with his stunning wife is now more apparent than ever.
Having tied the knot thrice, it’s Gere’s third marriage that catches eyes with a significant 30-year age gap. Alejandra Silva, daughter to a key figure at Real Madrid, enjoyed a lavish lifestyle and substantial alimony from her affluent former spouse before becoming Mrs. Gere.
Gere has often expressed admiration for Alejandra’s dazzling beauty and magnetic personality. Alejandra, in return, openly declares her deep love for her husband. The duo is seldom seen in public, but whenever they are, they certainly grab attention.
Gere has transitioned into his seventh decade with grace, the contrasts with his partner ever more evident. The actor, known for his once dark locks, now sports silver hair and a gaze tinged with melancholy, yet his signature warm grin remains untouched.