She Had 43 Cosmetic Procedures To Become A Barbie Doll – But Critics Say She Look Like A ‘Zombie’

Dalia Naeem, a 29-year-old from Baghdad, has become the center of attention after she underwent a staggering 43 cosmetic surgeries to resemble the iconic Barbie doll. Dalia, who invested a fortune in her transformation, has been turning heads with her dramatic new look.
Her transformation has earned her the nickname “Iraqi Barbie” amongst her supporters, thanks to her platinum locks and distinctive looks.
However, after revealing her latest appearance in a video, Dalia has received mixed reactions, with some commenters likening her to a “Zombie” or a “Devil Barbie.”

With a following that’s closing in on a million on Instagram and an additional 43,900 enthusiasts on TikTok, Dalia’s allure is certainly far-reaching.

In a display of camaraderie, Dalia’s makeup artist showered her with compliments while on camera, stating, “You look absolutely fantastic, my dear, just like Barbie.”

With prominent lips and a refined nose, Dalia commends her makeup, affirming that it is indeed Barbie-inspired. The online star has reportedly indulged in a variety of beauty enhancements recently, including plumping her lips and enlarging her breasts.
Beyond her internet fame, Dalia is known at home as an actress and television presenter. She hails from the Adhamiyah district of Baghdad, Iraq. This is a glimpse at her prior to embracing the surgical journey.

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