“She lost almost 235 kilos”. This is what happens when the heaviest woman in the world decides to change her life

For Pauline Potter’s kin, carrying extra weight was the norm.

Embracing her family legacy, Pauline led a typical day-to-day existence for someone with her considerable weight.

Her story captured the attention of many, with an array of articles highlighting her plight.

Her name even made it into the renowned Guinness Book of Records.

Yet, a moment of epiphany struck Pauline, and she took to a television show, openly discussing her burdensome issue with obesity.

Embarking on a rigorous journey aided by no less than five cosmetic operations and the expertise of a compassionate dietary specialist, she remarkably dropped a massive 235 kilograms.

Over a decade was invested in her metamorphosis into a picture of health and beauty. The transformation she underwent is nothing short of jaw-dropping, wouldn’t you agree?

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