Shocking confession of a famous actress: “My father raped me for years, my mother did not believe”

Melisa Dongel is one of the most famous young Turkish actresses, and she is best known to the Serbian audience from the series “Knock on my door” , “Our story” and “Elif” .
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Today, this 23-year-old enjoys fame, success and a good life, but it wasn’t always like that – she had a very traumatic, difficult childhood.
The Legal Process
In July 2021, Melissa initiated legal proceedings against her father and began to take custody of her younger, then 17-year-old sister. The reason behind everything is quite shocking – as a teenager, the actress was a victim of sexual abuse by her own father, and she wanted her sister not to suffer the same fate.
“I’m tired of a life where I pretend like nothing happened. I barely survived my childhood. My mother didn’t believe me. She told me: “Don’t go to the police, they’ll lock up your father, then they’ll release him, and he will kill you,” the famous beauty revealed the sad truth.
Melissa’s mother really publicly admitted that she didn’t believe her daughter’s allegations: “My daughter told me two years ago that her father abused her, but I didn’t believe it because I didn’t see it. In the end, I found him next to my daughter one morning.”
She went to psychotherapy for years to cope with the trauma.
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There was always violence in the house. He hit us and slapped us for every little thing. He broke my arm just because I went to the park with my friend – Melissa said and added that the abuse started in high school, but she couldn’t react sooner and say what was happening because of fear.
“I couldn’t tell because my father constantly threatened me that he would end my acting career and wouldn’t let me go to school. I even tried to kill myself. I don’t remember how many times I was hospitalized. Then I regretted it and asked myself : ‘Why am I doing this to myself?’ But I couldn’t help myself,” the actress said.