Store Owner Bans Pepsi Products When He Notices ‘Offensive’ Logo

While replenishing his store’s drink coolers with various Pepsi beverages, a local market proprietor stumbled upon a brand-new emblem on certain soda items. A closer examination led him to promptly remove these products from his inventory, declaring he wouldn’t sell them due to their “offensive” emblematic message.

Engaging his clientele is a crucial aspect for Phillip Stewart’s livelihood. Each decision in his Georgian business determines financial success or the peril of significant losses.
At S&Z Grocery off Highway 72, Stewart caters to a tapestry of patrons reflecting a spectrum of political and cultural beliefs. Under normal circumstances, such a diversity would pose no challenge to a business owner, but given Stewart’s passionate principles, he has chosen to conduct his operations somewhat controversially.

While refilling his store’s coolers, Stewart’s attention was drawn to an unexpected logo adorning Pepsi merchandise. Upon inspection, he felt unable to sell these items without compromising his values and thus made a bold and potentially hazardous business decision.
Stewart publicly declared on Facebook, as per a WAFF report, his refusal to carry certain Pepsi products now branded with the NFL insignia. He expressed disapproval of Pepsi’s alliance with an organization he perceives as condoning its personnel’s acts of disrespect toward the American flag, anthem, and law enforcement.
“The outcome might be a decline in sales, but I must take a stand,” Stewart penned. “S&Z supermarket will not be stocking 20 ounce Pepsi or Diet Pepsi for now. These products bear the NFL logo, which to me, signifies a disregard for our country’s symbols that I hold dear. Sacrificing my sales is a better choice than compromising on the values I stand for, as the athletes kneel and dishonor the nation I cherish.”

Fully aware of the economic gamble, Stewart remained steadfast, asserting his refusal to back a brand he sees as failing to properly honor the nation’s flag. Consequently, he chose to discontinue stocking 20-ounce bottles of Pepsi and Diet Pepsi adorned with the controversial logo, a ban which also extends to certain Gatorade bottles.
“I simply cannot endorse or financially support them, as I find their stance wholly inappropriate. My conscience prevents me from selling any product emblazoned with that symbol,” Stewart remarked. “I took it upon myself to remove the items, unbeknownst to customers. Any existing stock without the logo was sold, and I’ve made clear instructions to my supplier and delivery staff to avoid bringing such items herefor.”
To Stewart’s heartening surprise, many of his customers supported his stance after he acted on his convictions. And those who didn’t fully support the decision were generally indifferent, focusing their attention on other matters.
Shopper Aaron Bishop understands Stewart’s viewpoint but remains unaffected by the labels. “Do I truly mind? Not really. I’ll still drink a Pepsi and use my Nike golf clubs, even if it displeases some. I’m preoccupied with more pressing concerns,” commented Bishop, a Marine veteran.

Stewart acknowledges the constitutional right to protest held by the so-called kneelers and their sympathizers, yet he maintains that his own stance is firm.Additionally, one has the authority to protest their methods, which encompasses withholding sales of items adorned with the NFL emblem. More details can be found on WHNT.
“I acknowledge the validity of the cause. Nonetheless, I believe other forms of action could be implemented. It has definitely brought focus to the issue at hand. Positive outcomes might be derived from this, yet the technique doesn’t resonate with me,” Stewart expressed.
Stewart recognizes that those who kneel have legitimate grievances, but he stands firm that employing the duration of the game as a stage for political statements is misplaced. He pledges to persist in his refusal to replenish such items as long as the emblem remains in place.
“Engaging in this boycott aids in giving me peace of mind at night. It’s comforting to know my support doesn’t extend to actions I’m not aligned with,” Stewart detailed.

Stewart’s declaration has gathered considerable support for both his stand and his outlet. Despite a handful of social media entreaties to shun his establishment in Georgia, there appears to be no detrimental effect. Conversely, his business appears to have benefited.
Stewart maintains his position against stocking Pepsi merchandise featuring the NFL symbol, offering Coca-Cola products as an alternative. The overwhelming response from his clientele endorses his stance, and they carry on with their patronage at his store.