The dog was miraculously found. To save the dog, people dragged him from the field on themselves

A mother dog, pregnant and alone, chose to make her home within a secluded field next to a neighborhood, where she gave birth to two pups. Her presence caught the eyes of three pet-owning women who regularly frequented the area. The canine was shockingly malnourished, yet somehow, her puppies were plump and healthy. What she managed to scavenge to feed on in the barren field was a mystery.
Feeling a strong sense of responsibility towards the newfound family, the women fashioned a makeshift shelter from a table draped in oilcloth and lined with a warm blanket, offering refuge to the dogs. Faithfully, they supplied the dogs with food and water daily. As time progressed, the mother dog recovered her health and eagerly greeted her benefactors while her puppies engaged in playful frolics with the women’s dogs. Gradually, the young ones too began socializing warmly with their new canine acquaintances.
On one fateful visit, the women called out for the mother dog, but she did not emerge from her makeshift home. They discovered an unsettling stain on the blanket, suggesting the dog had been ill. Moments later, they were met with the sight of the ailing animal staggering out from the tall grass.
Upon closer inspection, a worrisome gash was evident along the dog’s side, and her face appeared swollen. She required immediate medical attention. Although a volunteer offered to bring a carrier later that day, there was no time to lose. Driven by urgency, the women tasked themselves with the arduous journey of transporting the hefty canine across the field on the very blanket that had been her bed, striving to reach the roadside to expedite her journey to the veterinary clinic.
Despite the weight and the awkwardness of the pathway, the trio managed to relocate the wounded animal to the roadside. Throughout the ordeal, the canine bore her sufferings silently, a testament to her resilience.
A call for further assistance was made, and the spouse of one of the women arrived to transport the dog from the field to the clinic. At the hospital, the dog’s temperature was taken, pain relief was administered, and the laceration was sanitized before prescribing antibiotics. She valiantly braved all medical interventions. One of the compassionate women welcomed the dog into her home temporarily, but upon an evaluation by a volunteer who disapproved of the dog’s condition, she was transferred to a different clinic for superior care.
At this medical facility, surgery was deemed necessary, yet due to the busy schedule of the surgeon, it had to be postponed until the following day. Confident in the expertise of their new caregivers, the women awaited word, optimistic that the streetwise mother dog would ultimately triumph in her battle for health.