The guy took off the dreadlocks he wore for 11 years

Maintaining dreadlocks is no easy feat; it requires a detailed regimen and can be quite the challenge to wear. Despite this, dreadlocks were a staple trend in American culture during the 2000s.

The focus of our story sported his dreadlocks for an impressive 11 years. Starting in his teens, his love for them was so strong that parting with his locks was unthinkable. They grew to such a length that they cascaded down to his waist.

Initially attempting to cut them off himself at home, the task proved too great and led him to seek professional help. The transformation post-haircut was astonishing, rendering him nearly unrecognizable.

An entire kilogram of hair was removed from his head. His photograph swiftly spread across the internet, catching the attention of many. Commenters have noted how his new look accentuates his neatness and appeal.

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