The Instagram star weighed 700 lbs. American Amber Rusty a few years ago and now

These days, the memories of her former self are a distant shadow for Amber Rusty.

Captured in these images is the girl whose past is etched by the weight she carried; the sheer extent of Amber’s previous size obscured even the sight of her feet behind extensive layers of flesh.

Walking unaided was an aspiration beyond her reach. During this formidable time, Rudy, a caring companion, stood by her side. He recognized Amber for her true essence, not just her external stature.

Rudy provided unwavering support without passing judgment on her weight issues.

As soon as Amber’s condition began to markedly improve, Rudy parted ways with her. Amber Rusty’s current appearance is a testament to her progress.

Her former self, once weighted down by 700 lbs of body mass, has been reshaped into a striking figure through diligent adherence to a controlled diet and a healthier lifestyle.

The transformation sparked insecurities in Rudy, who became apprehensive about the mounting attention Amber garnered from admirers, attracted by her newfound confidence and figure.

Despite the heartbreak, Amber stood strong and realized that her journey did not need the presence of someone who couldn’t appreciate her for who she became.

She recognized Rudy’s underlying desire for someone entirely dependent, a desire for an “overweight ruin” rather than a genuine, loving partnership.

Her life-altering shift was catalyzed by her participation in the television series “I am 700 lbs,” where health professionals not only surgically reduced her stomach size but also equipped her with a specialized nutrition regimen.

Amber is resolute in her conviction; she will never revert to her past physical state.

Through sheer tenacity, Amber takes immense pride in her identity. She has redefined herself, unshackled from the weight that once defined her existence.

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