The way Furlong has changed came as a disappointment

The once charming «Terminator» star’s descent into substance abuse has left fans stunned! 😮😟 Admirers can barely reconcile the new image of their beloved actor with his youthful allure! 😞💔

Defying expectations, the «Terminator» icon has reached his mid-40s. As a young star, he captured countless hearts with his stunning looks, magnetic appeal, and undeniable presence, ruling the screen in the 90s as a leading young talent.

Today’s glimpses of him spark a sense of wonder, as onlookers find it difficult to match the current individual with the once captivating screen figure. His current state underscores that stardom does not exempt one from aging, undergoing physical changes, or pursuing personal contentment away from the limelight.

Unfortunately, his journey took a turn when he succumbed to the temptations of illicit substances, leading to a dramatic alteration in his appearance. This shocking change has taken many by surprise.

The shocking imagery of his current state has rippled through his fanbase, with many refusing to accept that the now less flattering and heavier figure was once a cinematic heartthrob. The collective loss for words among his fans doesn’t quite capture the depth of their astonishment.

What is your reaction to his current look?

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