The woman waves to the bear from the car, the bear cheerfully responds

Home to many critters, the Olympic Game Farm in Washington provides ample space for its animal residents. The origins of the bear featured here are not entirely known; he could have been transferred after living at a zoo and found to be unfit for release back into the wilderness. Nevertheless, the farm gives him a semblance of liberty. The majestic creatures here are a spectacle for the occasional visitors who come by.
One such instance involved a curious woman who, upon encountering the bear, gestured a friendly wave. The bear’s reply was nothing short of delightful.
The purpose for many to visit the farm is to get closer to the wilderness and the diverse beings who inhabit it, ones they might never encounter in the wild.
There was a woman, situated within her vehicle, who on a whim, greeted a bear with a simple wave of the hand — to her amazement, the bear interacted back, mimicking her wave with an astonishingly similar gesture!
Experience this enchanting interaction in the video that follows.
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