“They Said I’m Too Ugly.” A Woman Posts Selfies for a Year to Defy Her Bullies and Ends Up Modeling in NY Fashion Week

“Growing up, I was taunted with claims that my disability would prevent me from ever modeling,” Melissa Blake recalls how such cutting remarks lingered with her until she shattered those notions by hitting the runway for New York Fashion Week.
Viralhatch admires Melissa immensely, and we’re thrilled to share her inspiring journey with you.
Melissa struggled to find representation in fashion publications—there was no one who mirrored her appearance.
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Born in 1981, Melissa came into the world with Freeman-Sheldon syndrome, a rare condition affecting bones and muscles. After undergoing over two dozen surgeries, she credits her parents for instilling in her the drive to not be hindered by her physical challenges.
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© melissablake81 / Instagram
Describing herself concisely to Bright Side, Melissa said, “I analyze relationships, disabilities, and pop culture through my writings. As an advocate for disability rights, I also have an appreciation for clever wordplay.” Holding a journalism degree, she’s contributed to esteemed outlets such as The New York Times, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, ELLE, among others, and she invites you to explore her blog at this link.
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“My mother and sister are my pillars, and I adore our two cats. My happiest moments are those spent with family; it’s where I find immense joy and contentment,” she shared.
Melissa faced down trolls who mockingly critiqued her looks, yet she turned her dreams of modeling into reality.
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Defiant in the face of cruel online commentators who derided her self-posted images, Melissa seized control by sharing even more pictures of herself. Her defiance and resilience not only silenced her critics but also propelled her onto the glamorous platform of New York Fashion Week. Mindy Scheier, founder and CEO of Runway for Dreams, took notice of Melissa’s spirit and invited her to showcase her talent at the esteemed fashion showcase in 2020.
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Melissa flaunted an ensemble during the New York Fashion Week as part of Runway for Dreams, where she, along with over two dozen individuals, stylishly represented brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Zappos Adaptive, and Target from the ease of their abode. The
The recent digital runway showcased over 25 individuals with disabilities, offering them a platform to share their life experiences and highlight the significance of being recognized within the fashion world.
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It’s time to pay attention — Melissa has a meaningful plea for the world.
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If awarded a moment on the global stage, Melissa would urge the audience with these words: “Please pay attention to individuals with disabilities. Our insights and narratives are important — don’t relegate us to the margins of society.”
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© melissablake81 / Instagram
When questioned about the advice she would give her younger self, Melissa gave a response that warmed our hearts: “Trust that a day will come when you will embrace yourself and your unique body completely. You’re going to pen some incredible work! You’re going to make it, Melissa.”
What do you believe we should all glean from Melissa’s experience? How do you perceive her comeback to those who have called her unattractive?