This is Marla McCants today after she lost more than 500 pounds after ‘My 600-lb Life’

A standout participant from the reality show ‘My 600-lb Life,’ Marla McCants once faced an extraordinary struggle with her weight, tipping the scales at over 800 pounds.
With her life dangerously hanging in the balance, Marla seized the opportunity to join the show. Her determination resulted in an awe-inspiring loss of over 500 pounds – a truly remarkable metamorphosis.
Adopting a nutritious diet is often easier said than done. Managing a wholesome meal plan when balancing family, relationships, and hobbies can be a demanding and pricey undertaking.
The lure of fast food is undeniable. While an occasional indulgence may seem harmless, habitual consumption can wreak havoc on one’s health. Consequently, it’s advocated that we engage in regular exercise to nurture our physical and mental well-being.
Countless health advocates encourage us to lead a vibrant life through exercise, thoughtful diets, and mental serenity. Marla McCants exemplifies the power of transformation, just as much as any fitness guru.
Years prior, Marla appeared on ‘My 600-lb Life’ at her peak weight, facing a dire prognosis due to her lifestyle choices.
Nevertheless, Marla, with unwavering resolve and the guidance from the show’s Dr. Now, completely turned her life around. Today, she’s virtually unrecognizable, showcasing her astonishing progress!
Interested in her extraordinary path to wellness? Let’s delve into the details surrounding Marla McCant’s impressive journey.
Securing a spot on the show is just the beginning. When Marla McCants embarked on her journey with ‘My 600-Lb Life,’ even Dr. Younan Nowzaradan – affectionately known as Dr. Now – had doubts about his ability to assist her.
Over time, Dr. Now has had to withdraw from treating certain individuals when his efforts ceased to be beneficial.
“On occasion, I’ve encountered patients whom I could no longer aid,” he revealed to People magazine.
“I remain at their service if they ever need me. If they fail to adhere to the program, there comes a point where my intervention is futile, and they begin to divert resources from those truly in need,” he expressed.
Marla’s extreme obesity had rendered her immobile and bedridden. Her bedroom had become a makeshift kitchen where she would frequently cook, even frying food directly from her bed.
Battling an addiction to food, Marla faced a challenging road ahead, as breaking free from any addiction is a formidable task.
Marla took on the arduous task of becoming one of Dr. Now’s most challenging cases. She and her daughter relocated to Houston, Texas, where he practices, and Marla underwent gastric bypass surgery to kickstart her weight-loss journey.
Her path was fraught with complications. After an extended hospital stay, Dr. Now had to enforce a tough love approach when it seemed Marla was resisting rehabilitation efforts. In the end, she was discharged from the hospital.
Disheartened by her initial reluctance to partake in post-operative recovery, the medical team felt no other option but to release her from their care.
Speaking to Houstonia Magazine, Dr. Nowzaradan emphasized that financial gain was never his motive. His primary focus has always been to offer individuals a second chance at an enriched life.
“There’s a moral duty we have when we see someone without a fulfilling life who could very well have one,” he stated.
“Wealth is of little concern. While we earn a living, profiting from every patient we encounter is not our agenda.”
Dr. Now remains driven by the goal of rescuing patients from a life engulfed by their eating habits.
“The presence of cameras never sways my dealings with a patient,” Dr. Nowzaradan clarified. “My approach remains unchanged whether the recording is happening or not.”
Dr. Now opened up to People about the frequent occurrence of patients struggling to manage their weight even after undergoing gastric bypass procedures.
He believes in ‘tough love,’ explaining:
“Working with some patients can be vexing, particularly when they engage in self-sabotage,” he shared.
“Frustration isn’t beneficial; my role is to motivate them towards achieving their health goals. Sometimes, a stern approach is necessary to reveal my earnest concern and impatience.”
Dr. Nowzaradan added: “Despite such moments, my task is to collaborate with them to reach a healthy weight. They are under my care because they need assistance, and it is my responsibility to provide support, no matter the circumstances.”
The odyssey of Marla McCants could have prematurely concluded upon her hospital release. Instead, her vigilant daughter, Sierra, took initiative, imploring Dr. Now for further intervention.
Emerging to stand for the initial time in numerous years
During her televised update, viewers witnessed McCants, primarily confined to her bed, reliant on her daughter, Sierra, for her daily needs. Despite this, McCants had accomplished a remarkable reduction in weight, tipping the scales at 534 pounds.
The upcoming surgical milestone for her was the removal of excess skin. However, she still needed to lose more weight to qualify for the procedure.
Complicating matters, Marla was not fully adherent to her prescribed diet and was resistant to the idea of walking. She longed for the fried chicken that she once prepared from her bedside.
Nearly a year post-gastric bypass surgery, as revealed in the follow-up episode, McCants still had not managed to stand.
“Some months back, I felt downhearted because my progress didn’t align with my expectations. But, my condition is improving, and I feel my strength returning,” she conveyed.
Coveting the attainment of mobility and the subsequent excess skin surgery, Marla expressed her ambition during the update.
“I ventured to Texas to reclaim my life and be there for my grandchildren, but I’m not yet capable of being involved in their lives as I should be. So I’m eagerly awaiting that surgery,” she shared in the episode.
“I still find myself craving fried chicken,” she admitted. “In my quest to satisfy that, I even attempted frying in olive oil, but it failed to replicate the taste, and sticking to just meat gets to be a bit dull.
“I’m only human after all. Starvation isn’t necessary; it’s all about making wiser choices,” she concluded.
Over the years, Sierra had become the linchpin helping her mother through the thick and thin. However, one year following the gastric surgery, she yearned to carve out her own life, stepping back from the caregiver role.
Marla, for her part, did not desire Sierra to live in the shadow of her caregiver duties either.
“It’s exasperating, knowing if she could just muster the strength to stand and walk, it would drastically change things for me,” Sierra remarked.
“That moment would be a turning point—paving the way for me to pursue my life’s endeavors.”
“A few months past, I’d sit in my bed, watching the world pass by—it was frustrating. Now, I use that as motivation, knowing I’ll soon join them,” McCants reflected.
“I’m due for a doctor’s visit, and I’m hopeful he’ll permit me to proceed with the skin surgery,” she expressed with anticipation.
Allegations of fabricated drama
Although Marla McCants’ situation appeared dire, there’s more to her story.
In an interview with Rickey Smiley on YouTube, McCants disclosed that the production company allegedly crafted scenarios and conducted themselves unethically to amplify drama for the show.
“Regarding the scene in the hospital where I wouldn’t rise from bed, the audience wasn’t privy to the whole truth. They depicted it as a year past my surgery, when in actuality, it was a mere month after my gastric bypass,” she explicated.
“I had shed seventy pounds within that first month. I had undergone surgery on February 13th, 2015, and that scene aired in March of 2015. I was undernourished, hospitalized, and bleeding—standing up was out of the question,” she admitted openly.
And today, what has become of Marla McCants? She has completely transformed her life, looking absolutely stunning in the process!
Here’s Marla McCants today
In a 2019 appearance on Sister Circle, McCants debuted her authentic, renewed self. She’s celebrated a monumental weight loss of 580 pounds.
“Never will I allow myself to return to that lonely place, to the way I was treated,” said McCants on the show.
Even as Marla has triumphed in her personal battle, she’s conscious of the ongoing struggles faced by others. She stresses the importance of compassion, knowing all too well the journeys of those still embroiled in the fight.
“First and foremost, I want to emphasize that food addiction is real. That mindset will always be a part of me. It’s been a constant battle,” she acknowledged.
“The mistreatment I endured serves as a powerful deterrent to never regress. One shouldn’t be quick to judge. Everyone has a backstory and demons to conquer.”
“For those who view the show’s participants with disgust, their ignorance blinds them,” she added. “Overcoming your struggles and fears, emulating what I’ve accomplished, is indeed possible.”
Through her presence on social media, particularly Facebook, McCants regularly shares glimpses into her life with her family. Her transformation and subsequent journey have brought joy to many.
The tale of Marla McCants on ‘My 600-Lb Life’ is nothing short of astounding.