To survive in a house with cats, the parrot learned to “talk” like a cat

It’s well-known that parrots can mimic human speech, but these feathered creatures are also adept at mimicking the sounds of other animals.

A cockatoo, sharing his home with a number of feline companions since it was young, had to adapt. It attentively listened and started by mimicking the cats’ meows. Over time, it escalated to emulating growls and even hisses.

When it was time to show off its new skills to the household cats, the cockatoo’s impersonation skills were spot on. The cats’ reactions ranged from shock to confusion upon hearing their avian roommate meow and hiss.

The parrot’s remarkable vocal performance was captured on video and swiftly made its way to the internet. YouTube viewers expressed amazement at the cockatoo’s linguistic prowess, commenting on its natural meowing abilities and insight to use hisses as a defensive posture when needed. “This parrot truly ‘speaks’ their language!”, they admired.

The bird even picked up on some cat-like behavior, much to the amusement of online observers: “He also mimics a cat trying to shake off fleas,” noted one viewer.

Modifying an old adage for this unique situation, one could say when living among cats, one must meow as the cats do.

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