Zoo Offers You To Name a Cockroach After Your Ex and Then Feed It To Animals On Valentine’s Day

When searching for ways to move on from an ex, we’re inundated with countless suggestions: processing our feelings, discussing them with friends and family, analyzing the relationship’s failures, and staying active. Everyone deals with heartbreak in their unique way and on their schedule. The San Antonio Zoo introduced an unusual method to aid in our recovery from a breakup — transforming our exes into crunchy treats.
The Cry Me a Cockroach fundraiser has gained popularity over the last four years.

The aim is to further the San Antonio Zoo’s objective of fostering a brighter future for wildlife, both within Texas and around the world. This event is held annually on Valentine’s Day. Participants can contribute by naming a cockroach, rodent, or vegetable after what they describe as “your not-so-special someone.”
Donations of $5.00, $10.00, or $25.00 come with a digital Valentine’s Day Card that showcases your support for the Cry Me a Cockroach Fundraiser. If you wish, you have the option to inform your adversary that they have been named after a cockroach, rodent, or vegetable, accompanied by their own digital Valentine’s Day Card and a personalized message.
The highlight of the fundraiser is the VIP package.

For a premium donation of $150, the San Antonio Zoo offers to produce a custom video for sending to your not-so-special someone. In this video, an animal chosen by the zoo will be featured consuming the selected leaf, cockroach, or rodent. An example of such a video can be viewed here.
If you don’t like the cockroach idea, here is another one for you.
The San Antonio Zoo’s unique fundraiser is not the only animal-themed Valentine’s Day initiative this year. The Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center in Blackwood introduced its “Neuter Your Ex” donation campaign for Valentine’s Day at the end of last month.
An Instagram post by the center explained that for a $50 donation, one could name a feral cat after their ex, who would then undergo neutering.
Homeward Bound elaborated on social media regarding the campaign, stating, “The cat will then be spayed or neutered before being released back to their colony as part of our trap-neuter-return (TNR) program.”
How are you going to celebrate this day? By the way, the celebrations vary across different cultures. For instance, in Finland, Valentine’s Day is called “Ystävänpäivä,” meaning “Friend’s Day,” highlighting friendship rather than romantic love. Meanwhile, in Japan, Valentine’s Day is characterized by women giving chocolates to men. This gesture is reciprocated on White Day (March 14), when men give gifts back to women.